Hugging Stories VIII (1998)

At this page you may share your own hugging experiences with all the people we have visiting here. Mail your story now and receive hugs.

* My mom is the best woman in the world. She hugs everyone she knows and always is there for everyone especially me. My grandmother passed away three years ago and it hit her hard. My grandfather attempted suicide and things were rough. My grandfather began to date and got married a second time at the age of 70. My entire family was happy. Martha was wonderful. She died two months ago at the age of 72. This has been hard. As for myself, I am in college in a different state and on top of all this am away from my boyfriend. He supported me throuhg everything. We are still together but see each other seldom. He always gave me the best hugs and comfort whe n I was going through these things. Now I'm in and out of the hospital because of my own health and today I found out that one of my hs friends died last nigh t. He called me and said that if I hugged my pillow real hard he'd be giving me a hug. I felt so silly but somehow I got strength from it. This is why I love him so much. I found this site and am so glad that I did. I love hugs and obviously need a lot right now. I don't have any friends in college and am very alone. Please always remember that hugs are security and peace. someone who needs a hug.

* I just started working at a new job. One day, one of my male co-workers and I were talking. I was telling him about what a rough night I had. He just got up and gave me a hug. I thought that was the sweetest and nicest thing. Now, we both love each others hugs. We hug each other every day. It's keeps both of our spirits up and makes the day so much better.

* It all started when I was a 12 year old girl... A new teacher had arrived at my school that year... She was so simply beautiful, and seemed so nice. After a few months I dreamed of her and how I would like to be her friend. I continued to adore her all year long. At the end of the school year, we were asked to write thank you letters to all our teachers so I wrote her my first poem. She liked it, and when telling me so, she kissed me on the cheeks for the first time. The following year, I started to know her better, and one day, I was feeling really depressed and she came to me and asked me if I wanted to sit down with her and have a talk. I then told her all about myself and she simply listened... I realized she was not only nice in appearance but also in personality. I loved her even more than before that day. The following years, she became my confident, I loved her more and more, and began wanting her to hug me. Everytime I went to have a talk with her, I wanted to try but felt so nervous I couldn't even move. I never knew if she really liked me or felt obliged to help me. But one day in my last year of high school, after a short conversation with her, I just threw myself at her, and huged her for a long minute... She didn't repell me, she let me go rubbing my back with a discrete hand from time to time... It was perfect. It was the best hug I ever had. I had wanted it for so long and I am still wanting it over and over again even though three years have passed since then...

* My hugging story is not really a story, but a long journey with a friend named Mike. He and I have known each other for years, and all the time, I've been crazy for him. We were both a little touch deprived as children, but instead of shying away from touch, we live for it and respond to one other's need for hugs and cuddles without even talking about it. One evening a couple of weekends ago, I was at his apartment with his roommate and a couple of other people. It was a weird night. There was all this beauty and comraderie and bonding that night. Needless to say, there was a lot of hugging going on. Mike and I had been sort've arguing, about this theory he has about why he and his roommate have such horrible luck with women. We were shouting at one another from across the room, and the usual serene mood that persists between us was nowhere to be found. Later, he came and sat on the couch beside me, and I apologized for yelling at him, and he said he was sorry, and asked me for a hug. He pulled me into his arms, and held me until the hug just became a cuddling session. We curled up on the couch together, and just enjoyed the feeling of being held by one another. I leaned against his chest and listened to his heartbeat, and felt the warmth of his arms, and even though I knew he would never be my boyfriend, I also knew that this was something that being his friend entitled me to, anytime I needed it. For a long time we didn't speak at all, just held each other, breathed deeply in the darkness as he rubbed my back and stroked my hair. In all the years I've known him, I've never felt closer.

* Wow... what a beautiful site! I live in the States and although I love a good hug, there aren't a lot of people in my area that do that. I grew up being hugged and kissed by my parents every day. I carried this one to only two of my friends, my best friend from high school, who I haven't seen in almost three years, and a new, but wonderful friend of mine, who I hug almost every time I see her. I always enjoyed every second of it with those two friends. But the most memorable hug I ever had was when I saw my mother alive for the last time in my life. My mother was in the hospital due to complications from breast cancer. I was getting ready to leave the hospital on the way to the airport to fly back to Kentucky from my native state of New Jersey when I hugged her. Although she was quite weak, she gave me as good a hug as she ever gave as if she had her health. We hugged for so long and cried on each other's shoulders. At that time I didn't know it would be the last time I would see her, so that hug was all the more important to me. After that my father gave me a big hug too, and at that time, I just broke down. Any pretense of being "on guard" melted away with the warmth from those hugs, and I was transformed forever. My mother would pass away at a young age of 43 a month later. I will always cherish each and every hug I gave and received from my mother.

* Well my hugging story probably isn't much different than alot of peoples but... I guess I'll start from the very beginning. I met this girl at a concert a few months ago. We danced and hugged and stuff, just having a good time being kids. And then she had to go, so I said bye and gave her another really big hug. All that night I couldn't stop thinking about her and I honestly couldn't sleep. The next night we met again at a different concert (on purpose) and she sat on my lap and I had my arms wrapped around her waist. Then the group we were with (her friend and her friends boyfriend) decided to go. We went to her friends house were she and her friend went inside to make pizza rolls and her friends boyfriend and I stayed outside as to not wake her parents. After they came back out and after the pizza rolls were gone we were just standing there and she and I were hugging. This time not a normal hug but her back was to my chest and I had my arms wrapped around her waist, and she had her arms around mine. It was so cool. Then we left there and went up to a school and skateboarded for a bit and then a coppulled into the lot so we left. They were taking me home and during the whole 15 min trip me and Stephanie (the girl I met) were just looking into each others eyes. She the most gorgeous brown eyes! When I was playing with her hair all of a sudden we were french kissing! That was the greatest night of my life, or so I thought. That week the choir in my school (which I was in) went to Chicago. It was fun but I was constantly thinking about Stephanie. The Sunday I came back there was another concert I knew she'd be at. So I raced to Shnucks and bought a 99 cent rose. Then I went to concert and tried to find her. Just as I was about to give up, I saw my friend's hair. THen I raced over to her and dove and everyone's laps and handed her the rose. Later that night I was laying with my head in her lap. Looking so deep into her brown eyes. I think that's when I started to fall in love with her. When she had to go she kissed my cheek and looked at me so sweetly and said bye. That Tuesday I went to her youth group with another rose and a present (It was her birthday). She waS glad to see me but seemed distant. That night her church did a thing called and alter call. You're not supposed to open your eyes but I did, and when I saw her praying for someone else that's when I know I fell so deeply in love with her. Then things started to be not so great. Then all in one day four of my friends finally blurted out, "she never liked you". I was crushed and knew I had to call her and ask her but I was afraid of what she'd say. On the phone I asked her if she ever liked me or if it was just for fun. She remained silent and I continued to tell her how much I loved her. It was cool but painfull. You know how you can say I love you and not mean it and then sometimes you mean it. It meant it and she knew it. Then that was that for a while. Then one thursday I saw her with another guy. That really hurt. The next thursday she called to see if my band was playing. THen we started to talk about what had happened before and she said she didn't know if I still liked her and so I said yes because love never goes away. Then she told me not to be afraid to come and talk to her that night. When I got there she made it a point to talk to me. Then while my band was playing she would just look at me and smile especially during the songs I wrote for her. Then after the show, we were sitting on a love seat and all of a sudden holding hands. Her boyf was getting something to drink so we were talking about us. I wispered "I still love you" and she saw it but didn't hear so I got to say it again louder. Then we got up and just looked at each other and then hugged for a long time. That was the best hug I've ever had, just because there was so much emotion behind it. Later that night we were sitting on the love seat again and then she had to go. So she stood up and turned around and opened her arms and bent over (I was still sitting down) and we hugged and still hugging I pulled her back down on the sofa. Then she left. I got home that night so excited and happy. It was about 11:10 but I figured I'd take a chance and call her. I woke up her mom but she said she was so glad I called. We talked from then until about 1:30 just about how much we missed those hugs and how much I still loved her. I must have said I love you about 5,000 times that night, but I meant it every time. She said every time I said that she wanted to say it back but wanted to wait until she meant it but she said she was really close. The next day I saw her at the mall and when she saw me she ran to me with open arms and we hugged for a long time and I picked her up and swung her around a couple of times. That was so cool. The rest of the story has yet to unfold.

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